Tourist’s Selfie Nightmare! Bear Mauls Woman After Window Rolled Down

A recent vacation in Romania took a terrifying turn for a Scottish tourist when a close encounter with a brown bear turned into a mauling. Moira Gallacher, 72, was traveling with her friend Charmian Widdowson when the unexpected attack occurred.

A Breathtaking Trip with a Dangerous Stop

Gallacher and Widdowson were exploring the scenic Carpathian Mountains, enjoying the beauty of the European country. Their road trip included a stop that would turn unforgettable, but for all the wrong reasons. While driving, they spotted a mama bear and her cub by the side of the road. The sight of these magnificent creatures must have been awe-inspiring.

Window Down for a Better Look, Big Mistake

Widdowson described the bears as “gorgeous,” but their initial charm turned deceptive. The friends decided to capture the moment with a photograph. A seemingly harmless action – rolling down a window – became the turning point of their encounter. Widdowson explained that the first attempt resulted in a successful photo op with the bear approaching the passenger side of the car and then moving away peacefully. However, Gallacher wasn’t satisfied and wanted a better shot. This decision to roll down the window a second time proved dangerous.

Attack! Window Down Becomes Window of Opportunity

The mama bear, perhaps startled by the movement or perceiving food based on Widdowson’s comment about getting something to eat, saw an opportunity. In a sudden attack, the bear lunged at Gallacher, biting her arm. Thankfully, Gallacher was wearing a thick jacket, which blunted the force of the bite. Widdowson recounted the incident with a touch of humor, noting that the “poor bear got more jacket than arm.”

Lucky Escape and a Lesson Learned

Despite the attack, Gallacher escaped serious injury. She was treated at a local hospital for wounds on her arm and later released. The experience, no doubt, left her shaken but ultimately grateful. “I was wearing a padded jacket and a top and another top – that’s what saved my arm,” Gallacher recounted. “I’ve been very, very lucky.”

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of respecting wildlife and maintaining a safe distance when encountering wild animals. The allure of a close-up picture can be tempting, but the potential consequences, as Gallacher learned firsthand, can be severe.

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